Who are you?

The Alleluia Community is a group of people who share life with each other and choose to love one another. We embrace denominational differences and seek unity through sharing everyday life with one another. We are christian, ecumenical, and covenant.

What does it mean to be a member?

There are three levels of membership within Alleluia Community: Associate, Underway, and Full Covenant membership. Each level means something different.

  • An Associate Member is a supportive friend of community.
  • An Underway Member seeks to discern the call of God, to determine if life in Alleluia should be a permanent commitment.
  • A Full Covenant member is someone who, through discernment and prayer, has made a life commitment to Alleluia. The Full Covenant member agrees to live out the Covenant, which includes a set of specific agreements and a Rule of Life.

Where are you?

The Alleluia Community is located in Augusta, Georgia.  Most of the members of the Alleluia Community live in Faith Village, a neighborhood in South Augusta.  It is not a requirement to live in this neighborhood, but most members enjoy the benefit of being able to live and share daily life together.

Why do you feel called to share life the way you do?

We grow in our love of God through our love, care, and support for each other as a family.

Are you a non-profit organization?

Yes, Alleluia Christian Service Center Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Through this we are able to provide support and serve many local, national, and international missions and build unity throughout the church worldwide. 

How do I join?

If you are interested in Alleluia and live out of town, we invite  you to come spend a week with us. This visit will help determine if Alleluia is something to which you feel called. If you live in the Augusta area, we invite you to begin to share the life – attend the weekly prayer meeting or a small group meeting to see what we are about.